Welcome to the We Date Modern podcast!
This is kind of like a first date, right? Maybe you've seen a little bit about me online or your friend vouched for how awesome I am, but you don't really know me. We're just digitally sitting across from one another in an overpriced coffeeshop, twiddling our fingers and wondering how long until one of us says something uncomfortable enough to make the other person peace out. The silence is getting awkward so...I'll go first.
Hi there! I am Chanel Dokun, the Founder of We Date Modern.
Your hair looks amazing, by the way.
In this episode, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and share a bit about my heart behind pursuing healthy Christian dating relationships.
Episode highlights:
Why you're not alone in feeling like you can't make a relationship happen
How Joshua Harris's crazy book I Kissed Dating Goodbye lit a fire under me and caused me to flip the script on dating
How people naturally find you when you start talking about sex and dating on the internet
Why I left publishing and working at a church to pursue a degree in marriage and family therapy
Why Christians should have the best relationships
Now, let's be honest. You don't have to look far to find a group of women huddled around a table talking about dating. So why listen to me? Frankly, I think I'm the bomb (if you're still allowed to use that phrase after 1994). Okay, I'm not the bomb.com. (Ugh, it got worse...please don't grab your purse yet to go.) What I'm trying to say is, I think you're amazing.
I started We Date Modern because I believe single women everywhere have something meaningful to say about dating.
And I wanted to create a space for you to share your thoughts as well as receive some encouragement and sound relationship advice along your journey toward love.
Your voice matters. So as we continue the conversation around Christian dating over the course of the next several months, I'd love to have your input so this can truly be a dialog. Please reach out at any time with topics you'd like to explore or challenges you're facing in dating that you'd like to bring up for discussion among the We Date Modern community.
Already have an idea you'd like to share? Drop us a line now with a quick click. We are real people who read every email (sometimes we also pretend you're our best friend and write you back in great detail). Oh, and since I'm trained as a therapist, I take confidentiality seriously. Nothing you say will ever be attached to your name or identity without your express permission.
Okay, I'll get the check this time so we don't have to do that awkward "who should pay" dance. See you next week on the podcast?
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Episode Links:
LifePlan NYC - Chanel Dokun's website